• Junior Kindergarten

Junior Kindergarten Daily Schedule


Whole Group Lesson & Language Arts




Morning Snack


Outdoor Play


Project Work


Lunch/Outdoor Play






Project Work


Outdoor Play










Autumn Hill Academy
Autumn Hill Academy
Autumn Hill Academy


An example of a monthly Newsletter emailed to parents to keep them informed.

Dear Parents,

The children have amazed us with their wonderful efforts and endless ideas for our house project. It is hard to believe that this project began in January and continues to evolve and branch out into other learning experiences. Just as we thought the project was nearing its end, the children would spring new ideas on us! We began with the broad topic "Structures," and through observation and documentation, it was quite apparent that the children had a strong interest and many questions related to homes.

This began our adventure. A few of the children's parents were moving into new houses. The children shared their experiences visiting model homes and the process they were a part of while the houses were being built. This brought us to our first big project, "Our Building Centre." The children used the information their classmates shared, the information we read in books and videos, and prior knowledge and then got straight to work. In small groups, through trial and error, they created masterpieces with an amazing story behind each block and tube. While observing, we heard conversations such as, "We have to put a wall up over here so you cannot see into the bedrooms." and "We need to make our kitchen big, so people can cook and eat in here." This brought us to our next extension, the children discussed how many bedrooms and bathrooms they each had in their houses, and we graphed the information to tie into our Mathematics strand.

Once this was complete, Ms. Josie and I printed a variety of floor plans to show the children the many options you have when buying a house. The children were so excited about investigating these plans that we offered a new learning experience. They had an opportunity to draw and design their own floor plans. Their interest continued to escalate, and we noticed many continued to visit the light table to use transparency paper to design plans, and others used loose parts to create floor plans in many different ways.

We decided to take their interest one step further. We had the children choose one or two partners to work together, to not only create a floor plan but design their own home with pictures from various flyers and magazines. Once each team of architects was finished, they presented their creative floor plans to their classmates. This gave the children an opportunity to show their peers what they had created and also practice speaking in front of a larger group. What amazed us was the amount of information the children were retaining and sharing in various areas of the project. Children were also taking these ideas home to create mini projects with their parents, and some children also took this opportunity to teach their parents a few things they had learned. The project culminated with the children creating a listing for the house they designed. They drew pictures of their houses and wrote an advertisement to entice buyers to purchase their property.

This has now evolved into our new project. Many of the children have shown an interest in landscaping. When we created our small-scale communities, one of their many focuses was landscaping. We began researching through books, videos, the internet and also by taking nature walks in our community to observe the various options we have when it comes to landscaping. The children have created a web outlining all the different things they want to plant as a class. They will have opportunities to plant seeds, observe their growth and learn to take care of them. As a class, we will also be designing the front garden at Autumn Hill. They will work together as a team to design the layout and choose the flowers. Once we have completed these steps, the children will have an opportunity to walk to our local grocery store and purchase our plants as a class.

As we have all noticed, the weather is ever-changing. Please dress your child in the appropriate clothing, as we do go outside twice daily. Please bring in sunscreen and place it in your child's cubby, as we will apply it prior to going outside. Also, I am kindly asking that you please try and make it to class before 9:00 a.m. to avoid any disruption to our morning routine.

To keep you up to date, each month, you will receive emails detailing the curriculum, outlining the objectives, a newsletter, trip forms and other important information. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email me.


• Label all belongings
• Autumn Hill enforces a strict no-nut policy. All foods sent to school must be pre-packaged with the list of ingredients clearly visible. No food prepared at home will be allowed, due to the possibility of cross-contamination, such as cut-up vegetables or fruit; if you would like to send full servings, we would be happy to cut them.
• Please bring in a cup or water bottle daily and bring it home to be washed daily
• Please supply an extra set of clothing, clearly labelled, which can remain in your child's cubby

Important Dates

• May 9 & 10 – Graduation photos
• May 23 – School closed for Victoria Day
• May 30 & 31 – Build a Bear Workshop with The Kids Fun Factory

Autumn Hill Academy
Autumn Hill Academy
Autumn Hill Academy


An example of a monthly Curriculum emailed to parents to keep them informed.

Subject and Strands Learning Objectives/Expectations Lessons/Interactions

Language Arts

• Oral communication

• Reading

• Writing

•Understanding Media literacy

1) Understand and respond in a variety of situations

2) Identify reading comprehension strategies

3) Write short texts using a few simple forms.

4) Use language patterns to identify words to predict the next word

5) Organizing ideas

6) Producing drafts

7) Begin to establish a dialogue in creative writing

1) Whole Group Lesson

2) Teach and practice words in the SRA reading series. Brainstorm about the cover, title page or topic

3) Continue Jolly Phonics books and resources, such as, printable worksheets and word cards with moveable alphabet

4) Teach and model how to use and organize word cards to make short sentences

5) Write complete sentences and short stories. Teach and model to use simple organizational patterns to order main ideas and supporting details

6) Teach and model to revise pieces of writing. Use parts of speech to communicate intended meaning (e.g., nouns, people, places, pronouns)

7) Use pictures and words to convey characters attitudes and feelings towards subject

Subject and Strands Learning Objectives/Expectations Lessons/Interactions


• Vocabulary

• Verbs

Vocabulary: -Le temps: il fail du soleil, il fait du vent, il fait chaud, il fait frais

-La salle de classe: la porte, la chaise, la pupitre, le tableau, un stylo, un crayon, la colle, la gomme, les ciseaux, un crayon de cire, la craie

-Les numéros: un à dix

-Les mains, les pieds, la tête, les oreilles, le nez, la bouche, les yeux, les cheveux

-Les couleurs: rouge, vert, bleu, jaune, orange

Verbs: frapper, toucher, taper, bouger, regarder, courir, lever, tapôter, écouter

Songs: Tous en rond

Violette à bicyclette

Tourne, tourne mon moulin

Tête, épaules

Poems: Dix petits doigts Voici ma tête

Comptons un, deux, trois

Subject and Strands Learning Objectives/Expectations Lessons/Interactions


• Number Sense and Numeration

• Measurement

• Geometry and Spatial Sense

• Patterning and algebra

• Data Management and Probability

1) Compare and order whole numbers, using a variety of tools. Match quantity to symbol

2) Estimate, measure and describe length of a variety of measuring materials

3) Develop concept of one-digit addition and subtraction

4) Read digital and analogue clocks

5) Identify and describe various coins

1) Continue number recognition by using the 100 charts, matching number tiles to the 100 charts and playing number games

2) Teach and model how to use measuring tools and compare thenumbers (e.g., it takes 10 paper clips to measure a paper but only two pencils to measure the same paper)

3) Add and subtract using counters and Montessori beads

4) Teach and model how to use the clock Practice benchmark times (e.g., lunch, project work time etc.)

5) Teach and model how to use coin manipulatives or drawings to state their value

Subject and Strands Learning Objectives/Expectations Lessons/Interactions

Science and Technology

• Understanding life systems

• Understanding structures and mechanisms

• Understanding matter and energy

• Understanding earth and space systems

1) Describe the functions and purpose of observations

2) Use a variety of forms to communicate with audience

3) Identify the sources in nature use in common materials

4) Liquids and solids

1) Teach and model how to sort ideas gathered through exploration (e.g. texture, height, shape, color)

2) Teach and practice how to orally explain their choices of materials and design decisions when presenting their findings

3) Discuss the process in which materials are made when making buildings and trucks (e.g., brick is made from clay and shade)

4) Make ice cream

Subject and Strands Learning Objectives/Expectations Lessons/Interactions

The Arts

• Drama

• Music

• Visual Arts

1) Engage in dramatic play and role play

2) Plan and shape dramatic play

3) Demonstrate an understanding of characters

4) Create two and three-dimensional works of art

5) Demonstrate awareness of a variety of works of art

-Match tones, vocally

-Imitate and create rhythmic patterns using body percussion (clap, snap, tap, etc.)

-Read and clap rhythmic patterns of familiar nursery tunes and rhymes

-Identify and demonstrate: quarter note, quarter rest

-Identify different dynamics (piano, forte)

-Move in time (march, dance, etc.) to various kinds of music (fast, slow, etc.)

1) Retell and act-out nursery rhymes, stories or narratives from picture books

2) Share ideas and build on the ideas of others

3) Adopt thoughts, feeling and gestures relevant to the role being played (e.g., Playing a cashier “What can I get for you?”)

4) Model and practice using a variety of materials to create ice cream parlour and truck (e.g., boxes, paper cups, straws, lids, etc.)

5) Identify and describe ice cream parlours and trucks they have seen in their community

-Whole group interactive songs

-Whole group music and movement

Subject and Strands Learning Objectives/Expectations Lessons/Interactions

Personal and Social Development

• Self awareness and self reliance

• Health and Physical Activity

• Social relationships

• Awareness of surroundings

1) Demonstrate understanding that adults make most decisions regarding safety rules, and seek assistance when needed (from parent, teacher)

2) Demonstrate self-control by following classroom rules and routines in different context in the school

3) Practice appropriate personal hygiene

4) Identify and apply basic safety rules

5) Identify feelings and emotions and express them in acceptable ways

6) Act and talk in appropriate ways with peers and adults during activity periods

7) Use various types of equipment and materials with ease

1) Explanation of safety rules; read books related to safety

2) Explanation, modeling and practice of rules; read books and signs posted related to rules and routines

3) Explanation, modeling and practice; read books about hygiene and read hand washing signs; teach sequencing of various hygiene practices

4) Teach, repeat, model and practice indoor voices, acceptable tone in voice and body language; read books about feelings and manners

5) Teach, repeat, model and practice first with the most often used materials and equipment (e.g., writing materials, turning one page at a time in books, drinking from a cup/water bottle, proper way to use chairs, doors, stairs, hooks in cubbies, etc.)

Subject and Strands Learning Objectives/Expectations Lessons/Interactions

Healthy and Physical Education:

• Active living

• Movement competence

• Healthy living

1) Apply their knowledge of essential safety practices

2) Perform a variety of static balances

3) Actively participate in a wide variety of program activities

1) Explain and model repeatedly; read books about hygiene. Explore various methods to remember safety steps

2) Use different body parts at different levels (e.g. various yoga positions)

3) Practice gross-motor skills in yoga, soccer, Judo, jump rope, etc.