• Toddlers

Toddler Daily Schedule

7:30 - 8:50

Before School Program

9:00 - 9:20

Morning Circle

9:30 - 10:30

Gross-motor development (outdoor/gym)

10:35– 10:45

Morning Snack

10:50 - 11:00

Whole Group Lessons

11:00 – 11:50

Table and Carpet activities (Language, Mathematics and Project Work)

11:50 - 12:30


12:30 - 2:30

Nap/ Rest Time

2:30 - 2:50

Afternoon Snack

3:00 – 4:00

Gross-motor development (outdoor/gym)

4:00 – 6:00

Afterschool Program

*There are scheduled diaper changes throughout the day, also diapers are checked and changed when needed.

Autumn Hill Academy
Autumn Hill Academy
Autumn Hill Academy

Toddler Newsletter

An example of a monthly Newsletter emailed to parents to keep them informed.

Dear Parents,

Autumn is officially here, and the children in our classroom have already started to notice some common fall signs. The leaves on the trees were noticed, some as changing red, and others noticed that they were falling to the ground. We decided to bring the falling leaves into our room for the children to investigate. The children were observed crunching up the leaves, while others were keen on telling us the colours that they saw. This initiated our colour investigation. Activities were laid out for the children to explore colour, such as sorting, colouring, matching, etc. Our sensory bin was filled with a variety of items of the same colour. Every day, the children experienced a different colour and used those items to match with other items found around the classroom. Paint, crayons, markers, etc., are still a very prominent creative interest in our class. We painted a different colour every day and created a group collage about the colour of the day. Please feel free to take a look at our art displays in our classroom to see what we have been collaborating on.

For the month of November, our class will be given opportunities to investigate and explore with clay. The children have been given endless opportunities to explore with paint, play dough, sand, water, etc.; we would like to observe how children interact with different forms of media.

In Language Arts, we are well into our first set of letters in the Jolly Phonics program. The children have been responding well to the sounds, mimicking the songs and actions. We have begun associating the letter sounds with items in our classroom, stressing the initial sounds. For example, stressing the "sssss" sound when saying the word "scissors."

In Mathematics, we touch upon shapes and colours, allowing the children to become familiar with the names of shapes. They have begun developing number recognition and counting to five. The children have been introduced to songs such as the "5 Little Monkeys" and "5 Little Pumpkins". We will be working on one-to-one correspondence while counting to five.

This week, each child will receive a practice book from taking home for the month. We ask that parents bring back their child's booklets at the end of each month so that we may add new concepts. The practice book is a great opportunity for you and your child to practice the skills and language we are fostering here at Autumn Hill Academy. The book will include Jolly Phonic letters we have been working on in the previous month, as well as mathematical concepts that we touch upon from time to time. Attached to the book, you will also find a list of activities that can be done at home that will extend your child's learning.

Important Dates

November 23rd – P.A. Day (NO SCHOOL)
November 29th & 30th – Picture Day!


• Please take sippy cups home at the end of each day to wash
• Class begins at 9:00 A.M, so we ask parents to depart at 8:50 A.M. to minimize distractions
• If your child is sent home because of illness, he or she may not return to school unless they are 24 hours symptom-free from the time of pickup
• If you are bringing in food for your child's classmates for birthdays etc., we ask parents to please ensure the INGREDIENTS ARE LISTED, and please bring in the original or a copy of the receipt
• We are a NUT-FREE school; please bring in snacks in their original wrapper, accompanied by the list of ingredients. If you wish to bring in fruit, please do not cut it; we will gladly cut the fruit for your child
• In case of mishaps, please provide an extra change of clothing as well as a pair of indoor and outdoor shoes
• Parents must provide crib sheets, blankets, and pillows for their child's use during nap time. All blankets and sheets will be sent home weekly to be cleaned.
• Please ensure all personal belongings are labelled, such as clothing, bedding, shoes, sippy cups, etc.
• Please provide your child with appropriate outdoor clothing, according to the weather.
• For the safety and security of all our students and parents, we kindly ask that you enter the school building when picking up your child at the end of the day. (Please DO NOT lift your child over the fence)
• A reminder about our medication policy. Children are to never be in possession of any kind of medication, which means never leaving it in their backpacks or cubbies. All medication requires a signed form, which can be obtained by any staff member; if the form is not filled out, the medication cannot be administered.

Toddler Curriculum

An example of a monthly Curriculum sent to parents to keep them informed.

Domain and Skills Indicators of the Skill Lessons/Interactions


• Oral communication

• Expression of feelings

• Social Interest

1) Communicate effectively by listening

2) and speaking to others

3) Respond to a variety of materials

4) Read aloud to them

5) Use language in various context to

6) new and old experiences

7) Identify feelings and emotions and expressing them in acceptable ways

8) Expressing feelings in language and pretend play

9) Act and talk in appropriate ways with peers and adults during activity periods

10) Observing and playing briefly with peers Sharing toys

11) Engaging in short group activities

1) Group circles and activities

2) Sing as a class (transition songs)

3) Discuss different stories related to “Spring”

4) Discuss flowers and planting

5) Discuss insects

6) Discuss parts of a fire truck

7) Discuss daily feelings

8) Discuss classroom rules and routine

9) Building relationships

10) Continue to practice the classroom rules and routine

11) Small group activities

Domain and Skills Indicators of the Skill Lessons/Interactions


• Number sense and numeration

• Measurement

• Spatial sense and geometry

• Patterning

• Data management and probability

1) Matching quantity to the correct number shown (1-10)

2) Number recognition (1-10)

3) Size recognition

4) Classifying and sorting according to size, shape, colour

5) Identifying shapes (circle, triangle,square, rectangle, etc.)

1) Sand paper numbers

2) Number flashcards

3) Counting teddy bears, objects in the classroom, insects, flowers and seeds

4) Number puzzles

5) Shape flashcards and puzzles

6) Classifying and sorting a variety of two-dimensional shapes and objects

7) Two-dimensional puzzles

Domain and Skills Indicators of the Skill Lessons/Interactions

Communication, Language and Literacy

• Reading

• Writing

• Receptive Language

• Understanding of media materials

1) Demonstrate an understanding of a story when read

2) Demonstrates interest in books and other types of literature

3) Identify letters and demonstrate understanding of that letter make sounds

4) Develop fine-motor skills directly and indirectly when holding a crayon

1) Reading different stories related to “Spring” and “Fire Trucks”

2) Introducing “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”

3) Continue the Jolly Phonics program

4) Sand paper letters (lower case only)

5) Activities to develop pincer grasp

6) Practical life tray moving objects with tongs or their fingers

Domain and Skills Indicators of the Skill Lessons/Interactions

The Arts/ Project Work

• Creative activity

• Response to art works

• Knowledge of elements and forms

1) Teach, repeat, model and practice using a variety of drawing materials

2) Cooperate and collaborate with others in artistic projects

3) Move in response to the tempo and mood of music

4) Recall and repeat familiar songs, dance steps and rhymes

5) Identifying primary colours

6) Expressing ourselves through painting

7) Learning songs, poems and finger plays

8) Developing and enhancing fine motor skills through painting and gluing

1) Experiment with techniques and materials

2) Repeat, model and practice how to share materials and space during art projects

3) Repeat, model and practice a variety of songs

4) Painting using various mediums (brushes, sponges, q-tips, feathers, squeeze bottles, etc.)

5) Painting pictures of flowers and insects

6) Sensory bins (water, sand, goop, textures etc)

7) Explore a variety of art forms such as, music, dance, sculptures, drawings and paintings

8) Activities related to Spring

9) Teach and practice new art skills; give praise and recognition for their effort and work

10) Teach and model how to use scissors, liquid glue, glue sticks and different painting materials

11) Touch and Feel bins related to spring

12) Creating webs about Spring, insects and fire trucks

13) Teach and model how illustrations are made using various lines small and big

14) Using Mat Man to continue learning our body parts

15) Light table activities

16) Using Spring objects on the projector

17) Using binoculars to look outside

18) Constructing 3-D spring structures

19) Creating sketches and paintings of nature, insects and fire trucks

20) Creating a 3-D model of a fire truck

21) Exploring stories about insects and fire trucks

22) Block play

23) Dramatic play

Domain and Skills Indicators of the Skill Lessons/Interactions

Physical Gross Motor

• Balance

• Jumping

• Walking and Running

• Climbing

• Riding Toys

1) Standing on one foot

2) Taking a few steps on the raised surface

3) Jumping up and down on the spot

4) Jumping down from short heights

5) Balancing and coordination increase

6) Stopping while running improves

7) Climbing stairs one foot at a time

8) Climbing on climbing equipment and furniture

9) Moving riding toys forward by pushing with feet

10) Support toddler’s emerging skills by standing in proximity to encourage children to jump, run and step

1) Carrying objects

2) Marching and following others.

3) Music and Movement

4) Playing Start and Stop games

5) Riding tricycles

6) Stepping stones

7) Practicing balancing on on and two feet

8) Running

9) Jumping

10) Hoping

Domain and Skills Indicators of the Skill Lessons/Interactions

Physical Fine Motor

• Dressing

• Eating

• Tool Use

• Making a Mark

• Pincer Grasp

1) Using toddler-safe scissors

2) Using palmer grasp to hold crayons and brushes and make scribbles

3) Scribbling expands to include lines and shapes

4) Adapting holding from palmer or pincer grasp

5) Doing up buttons

6) Pulling up zippers

1) Provide poster paper and writing materials for children to scribble with

2) Tracing using white board markers

3) Practical life tray moving objects with tongs or their fingers

4) Provide suitable utensils for meals, along with opportunity to eat finger foods

5) During dressing allow children to try and put their own jacket on

6) Talk about the functions of zippers, buttons.