• Senior Kindergarten

Senior Kindergarten Daily Schedule


Attendance/O’ Canada


Language Arts


Community Circle




Morning Snack


Project Work


Lunch/Outdoor Play






Outdoor Play


Project Work










Autumn Hill Academy
Autumn Hill Academy
Autumn Hill Academy


An example of a monthly Newsletter emailed to parents to keep them informed.

Dear Parents,

During the month of April, we went for a Spring walk within our community. Prior to our walk, I asked the students what they might see that would indicate the coming of Spring. Many said they would see flowers, green grass, leaves, and buds beginning to grow on trees and the return of birds from the south. Their thoughts and answers were recorded and documented. Once we returned from our walk, new findings were added to our original list. From there, the children made drawings of their observations. Then they revisited their drawings and incorporated Henri Matisse's style of art from his later years by cutting-out pieces of coloured paper to create a collage.

The students loved studying the French artist Henri Matisse and his style of Impressionism. They especially enjoyed creating collages using coloured paper like Matisse. They will continue creating artwork related to Matisse. Please come into the classroom and see their work. In May, we will be exploring another famous artist named Gustav Klimt. We will learn about his style of Symbolism and Art Nouveau and re-create his famous works of art throughout the month.

Furthermore, during the month of May, we will continue our project, "Insects," with an extension into the exploration of plants. I will also be introducing the story "Charlotte's Web." Through discussions of the story structure and other aspects of the story, the children will engage in related projects. A trip to see the play "Charlotte's Web" will help the children gain a greater visual understanding of the story. As you can see, May will be filled with many mini-projects.

Academically, the students have all performed well throughout the year. Many have successfully completed the SRA reading program and are currently reading in the "Magic Tree House" chapter books. Weekly spelling tests continue. In Mathematics, they have also demonstrated their skills in two to four-digit addition and subtraction, with or without carryover, and many are now learning one-digit multiplication. The students always enjoy participating in Science related experiments, further enhancing their knowledge of the world around them. Studying and learning about the cultural diversities around the world continues to be a topic of interest as well. Overall, they have all shown tremendous progress since the start of September.

Important Dates and Reminders

1. May 3rd- Play to see "Charlotte's Web."
2. May 9th & 10th – Graduation Photos
3. May 23rd – School closed for Victoria Day
4. May 30th & 31st – Build a Bear Workshop with The Kids Fun Factory

Autumn Hill Academy
Autumn Hill Academy


An example of a monthly Curriculum emailed to parents to keep them informed.

Subject and Strands Learning Objectives/Expectations Lessons/Interactions

Language Arts

• Oral Communication

• Reading

• Writing

• Literacy

1)To reinforce compound words, synonyms, question marks, and exclamation marks

2)To further develop their writing skills

3)To continue to reinforce and review sentence structure

4)To continue to develop printing skills

5)To continue “The Magic Tree House”

6)To introduce word patterns (or,ar,er,pr)

7) To further enhance their understanding of story structure (setting, characters, plot etc.)

8)To develop fluency and comprehension in reading

9) To introduce the novel “Charlotte’s Web”

1)Recognize and identify compound words

2)Identify sentences that need a question mark or an exclamation mark

2,3,4) Write sentences with compound words

5) To read the “Magic Tree House” books and answer comprehension questions

6) Wipe-off sheets to reinforce word patterns

6) Visually recognize word patterns and say the words

7) To write sentences and stories related to Spring

8) Reading in the SRA reading program

9) Discuss and draw the characters, setting, plot, while reading “Charlotte’s Web”

Subject and Strands Learning Objectives/Expectations Lessons/Interactions


• Vocabulary

• Verbs


-Le temps: il fait du soleil, il fait du vent, il fait chaud, il fait frais

-Les numéros: un à quinze

-Les mains, les pieds, le nez, la tete, les oreilles, les yeux, la bouche, les cheveux

-La salle de classe: la porte, la chaise, la pupitre, le tableau, un stylo, un crayon, la colle, la gomme, les ciseaux, un crayon de cire, la craie

-Les couleurs: rouge, orange, jaune, blue, vert, violet,

Verbs: frapper, toucher, taper, bouger,

regarder, lever, tapôter, écouter

Songs: Sept fois passera

Violette à bicyclette

Tourne, tourne, mon moulin

Tête, épaules

Poems: Voici ma tête

Comptons un, deux, trois!

Dix petits doigts

Phrases: Comment t’appelles-tu? – Je m’appelle

Subject and Strands Learning Objectives/Expectations Lessons/Interactions

Mathematics/Logical Thinking

• Number Sense & Numeration

• Measurement

• Geometry & Spatial Sense

• Patterns & Algebra

• Data Management & Probability

1) To continue to develop a greater understanding of place values (Ones, tens, hundreds, thousands)

2) To understand basic operations of addition, subtraction, (1-4 digits) along with carry-over and borrowing

3)To develop multiplication skills for those that are ready

4)To introduce division for those ready

5)To introduce probability

1,2,) Montessori materials-Golden Beads, Bead Stairs

3) Use of the Montessori multiplication board

4) Use of the Montessori division board

5) Investigate simple probability situations e.g., flipping a coin, tossing dice

Subject and Strands Learning Objectives/Expectations Lessons/Interactions

Science and Technology

• Understanding Life Systems

• Understanding Structures and Mechanisms

• Matter and Materials

• Earth and Space

1)To gain a greater understanding of simple mechanisms like levers, hinges, wheels, and axles

2)To enhance their understanding of life cycles of butterflies

3)To increase their awareness of planting and soil

1)To observe how different surfaces effect the rate at which the object slows down

4)Draw, and use paper mache, to re-create the life cycle of a butterfly

5)Plant seeds to observe the growth of plants

5)Make drawings of their growing plants and document their observations

Subject and Strands Learning Objectives/Expectations Lessons/Interactions
Cultural Studies Geography

1)To study North and South America

2)To become more aware of the different clothes that are found in various cultures

3)To explore a variety of cultural foods available in Canada

1.2)Use visuals as pictures to show how differing cultures dress

3)To draw pictures that represent the different cultures

4)Discuss their own cultural foods at home

Subject and Strands Learning Objectives/Expectations Lessons/Interactions

The Arts: Projects, Drama

• Visual Arts

• Drama

• Music

1) To introduce the artist Gustav Klimt

2) To further enhance their knowledge of his style of creating pictures

3) To draw using various tools

4) To gain a greater understanding of symbolism

-Match tones vocally

-Imitate and create rhythmic patterns using body percussion (clap, snap, tap, etc.)

-Read and clap rhythmic patterns of familiar nursery tunes and rhymes

-Identify and demonstrate: quarter note, quarter rest.

-Identify different dynamics (piano, forte)

-Move in time (march, dance, etc.) to various kinds of music (fast, slow, etc.)

1) Read and discuss Gustav Klimt’s influence in art

2) To paint pictures that reflect Gustav Klimt

3) To follow Klimt’s techniques using various drawing tools

3) Paint scenes like Klimt

4) Learn and create pictures with the use of symbolism

-Whole group interactive songs

-Whole group music and movement

Subject and Strands Learning Objectives/Expectations Lessons/Interactions

Physical Education

• Active Living

• Movement Competence

• Healthy Living

1) To encourage co-operation in group activities

2) To develop gross-motor skills

3) To further enhance their awareness of the Heart and Stroke Foundation

4) To promote physical activities while outside

1) To continue practicing the skills needed to play basketball through playing the game

2) Participate in gross motor activities like skipping, hoola-hoops

3) Discuss how to keep our heart healthy and pumping

4) Have available, skipping ropes, balls, and hop- scotch for the children to engage in while outside