• Preschool

Preschool Daily Schedule


Before school program (spontaneous play)


Outdoor Time


Whole group lesson





10:30- 11:50

Language, Mathematics & Project work

*Project work is done during outdoor time sometimes




Nap/Quiet time

*Table activities for those who do not sleep


Snack time


Outdoor Time


Home snack/ Afterschool Program (Spontaneous play)

Music - Tuesdays 3:05-3:25 & Yoga - Mondays 10:00 -10:30

Autumn Hill Academy
Autumn Hill Academy
Autumn Hill Academy

Preschool Newsletter

An example of a monthly Newsletter emailed to parents to keep them informed.

Dear Parents,

During April, as we were completing our project on "Dinosaurs," we observed that the children continued to be fascinated with skeletons and bones. This led to many conversations and a comparison of dinosaurs and humans. After much discussion and based on the children's interests, we decided the next project to explore would be "The Human Body." We created a web to document the children's prior knowledge and the questions they wanted to explore. After planning various learning experiences for the children, we were very interested to see that their focus was skeletons and bones.

X-rays of bones were investigated on the light table. The children created drawings of their skeletons and the bones inside their bodies. While reading stories of what's inside our body, they learned about the number of bones found in our hands, and they recreated this by tracing their hands and placing Q-tips inside the skin to represent bones. They made life-size cut-outs of their bodies, and they spent time adding materials to create themselves. They then revisited the drawings they had originally made and drew their bodies again, adding the new information they had gained; more details, such as a brain, bones, heart, etc. They also made a patient that was used during dramatic doctor play.

Furthermore, during the last few weeks of April, the children have shown a lot of interest in the book "The Gingerbread Man." They began pretending they were the different characters in the story. As a class, we began discussing staging a performance and acting out the story. Different parts of the story structure have been explored, such as plot, characters and setting. We started creating props and will continue to re-enact the story throughout the month of May.

The story has evolved into another project, "Theatre/Performing." A shadow-play area has been set up in the classroom, and the children have been engaged in dramatic play. Some children have been dancing, and others have been using different props, such as dinosaurs, puppets and people figurines, to act out a shadow show. They have been enjoying discussing what they would like to perform with their friends, preparing what props they would like to use and then adding them to the performance. We will continue this exploration by having the children create their own original story and act it out either with shadow-play, a puppet theatre or by performing themselves. This month, we will also begin talking about the life cycle of a plant (planting flowers/vegetables and taking care of them).

In Language Arts, the children are continuing to engage in three-letter word building. We will continue reading in the "A Pig Can Jig" SRA series. The children continue to print letters in both upper and lower case. In Mathematics, the children are continuing to explore teen numbers. We have been practising counting by twos and fives. We are exploring three-dimensional shapes and doing simple one-digit addition and subtraction.


• Please label all of your child's belongings
• Autumn Hill enforces a strict no-nut policy. If your child requires a before and/or after-school snack, please ensure it is a nutritious nut-free snack. All foods sent to school must be pre-packaged with the list of ingredients clearly visible. No food prepared at home will be allowed, due to the possibility of cross-contamination, such as cut-up vegetables or fruit; if you would like to send full servings, we would be happy to cut them.
• Please take home water bottles daily and bedsheets weekly to be washed

Important Dates

• May 9 & 10 – Graduation photos
• May 23 – School closed (Victoria Day)
• May 30 & 31 – Build a Bear Workshop with Kids Fun Factory

Autumn Hill Academy
Autumn Hill Academy
Autumn Hill Academy

Preschool Curriculum

An example of a monthly Curriculum sent to parents to keep them informed.

Subject and Strands Learning Objectives/Expectations Lessons/Interactions

Language Arts:

• Oral Communication

• Understanding of Media Materials

• Reading

• Writing

-Communicate effectively by listening and speaking

-Demonstrate an understanding of a variety of written materials that are read to them

-Identify letters and demonstrate understanding that letters represent sounds

-Develop concept of story structure, (setting, characters, idea, etc.)

-Practice printing skills

-Oral discussions related to literature

-Three- letter word building

-Continue with “Jolly Phonics”

-Practice reading in “The Pig Can Jig,” reader and comprehension workbook

-Read “The Gingerbread Man”

-Practice printing upper and lower case letters

-Sand paper letters (lower case only)

-Continue printing “Handwriting without Tears” workbook number 1 & 2

Subject and Strands Learning Objectives/Expectations Lessons/Interactions


• Vocabulary

• Verbs

-Le temps: il fait du soleil, il fait du vent, il fail frais

-La salle de classe: la porte, la chaise, la pupitre, le tableau, les ciseaux, la colle, le crayon de cire, le papier, la gomme, un garçon, une fille

-Les mains: les pieds, la tête, les oreilles, les yeux, les cheveux

-Les couleurs: rouge, vert, bleu, jaune

-Les numéros: un à cinq

-Verbs: toucher, taper, bouger, regarder, lever, baisser, tapôter, écouter

Songs: Bonjour, mes amis!

Au revoir, mes amis!

Tous en rond

Tête, épaules

Violette à bicyclette

Poems: Dix petits doigts

Voici ma tête

Comptons un, deux, trois!

Subject and Strands Learning Objectives/Expectations Lessons/Interactions


• Number Sense and Numeration

• Measurement

• Spatial Sense and Geometry

• Patterning

• Seriation

• Classification

-Matching quantity to the symbol (1-10)

-Number recognition (1-50)

-Single- digit addition

-Size recognition (bigger, smaller, shorter and longer)

-Classifying and sorting according to size, shape, and colour

-Identifying three-dimensional shapes

-Use Montessori materials: sandpaper numbers, teen board, bead stairs, geometric solids

-Counting by 2’s and 5’s

-Counting to 50

-One- digit addition and subtraction

-Identifying and printing number 0-20

-Kumon Numbers Workbook

-Use material to identify bigger, smaller, less, more

-Exploring 3-Dimensional shapes

Subject and Strands Learning Objectives/Expectations Lessons/Interactions

Science and Technology:

• Understanding Life Systems

• Understanding Structures and Mechanisms

• Understanding Matter and Energy

• Understanding Earth and Space

-Demonstrate differences between living and non-living things

-Describe characteristics of natural materials and demonstrate understanding of basic concepts related to them (e.g., wet and dry sand, water, leaves)

-Develop understanding of parts of a plant and how plants grow

-Explain the terms living and non-living; brainstorm examples of each term; review and add to the web

-Collect, explore and experiment with natural materials from our environment.

-Plant a flower, discuss its life cycle

-Read books related to project and discuss facts

Subject and Strands Learning Objectives/Expectations Lessons/Interactions

The Arts:

• Visual Arts

• Drama

• Music

-Experiment with techniques and materials

-Cooperate and collaborate with others in artistic projects

-Expressing ourselves through painting and drawing

-Developing and enhancing fine-motor skills through painting and drawing

-Building various creations based on our projects

-Move in response to the tempo and mood of music

-Recall and repeat familiar songs, dance steps, and rhymes

-Match tones, vocally

-Imitate and create rhythmic patterns using body percussion (clap, snap, tap, etc.)

-Identify and demonstrate: quarter note, quarter rest

-Identify different dynamics (piano, forte)

-Move in time (march dance, etc.) to various kinds of music (fast, slow, etc.)

-Practice using a variety of drawing materials

-Describe their pictures and art creations

-Adding to their pictures by creating various drafts

-Drawing and painting various plants

-Re- enact roles from “The Gingerbread Man”

-Planning roles for shadow play theatre

-Creative dramatic play; acting-out a variety of stories

-Participating in different sensory activities related to plants, such as, drawing the life cycle of a flower

-Practice a variety of songs, dances, rhymes

-Practice for year-end concert

-Whole group interactive songs

-Whole group music and movement

Subject and Strands Learning Objectives/Expectations Lessons/Interactions

Physical Education:

• Health and Physical Activity

• Gross-Motor Skills

• Fine-Motor Skills

• Senses

-Freely exploring large outdoor equipment.

-Running, climbing, jumping, hopping, balancing etc.

-Using open-ended materials to move about, build and construct

-Increasing co-ordination, speed and endurance

-Dressing without assistance

-Outdoor play, gym activities using gross and fine motor skills and interacting with peers

-Participate in various cooperative games

-Music and movement (head and shoulders, dancing with scarves, musical exercise etc.).

-Participating in creative dance

-Practicing how to put on outdoor clothing and using utensils at snack and lunch